
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ain't no Sunshine

I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey...

So, I have never been the most excited person about halloween. But in the spirit of others being excited, I thought I'd post the coolest song ever written that involves Halloween. I mean, how many times can you hear the monster mash (although I admit the first two times I heard it this year I realized it's a pretty neat song).

Not sure what is up with this video, apparently Ryan Adams is a weird little dude.

So I am sitting here getting ready for the radio show tonight and enjoying some Divine breakfast....
We are doing a rain theme tonight. It's part of my attempt to accept the inevitability of what is going to happen for the next seven or eight months. I said to my man this week, I don't know if I can do it. I lived through last winter and now I know what I am in for.... He reminded me of our friend who lived in Eugene for about a year who told us that he "did one year and when the rain started again, I had to get the hell out of Oregon." I guess it's the same in MT. The cold comes in and stays around forever. But I like the cold. The dry cold. I am freezing here in Eugene already and I don't think it gets below 30 degrees all winter. Oh, well. I hope I can make it. Four more of these winters. My wooden dresser drawers won't open and close. Everything feels damp. Our front door gets so swollen from the rain that we can't use it from now until May. Did you guys see that horror movie with the girl from Labyrinth that moved in the wet apartment? This is my life.

 My man says, maybe this winter there'll be snow.... I hope so. I dreamed three nights ago that F and I were looking at houses to buy in some strange city and it was snowing those big fluffy flakes in the gray sky and it was wonderful. I am not holding my breath. Anyway, because of the rain show I have been listening to some really fun stuff this morning.... and, yes, I am playing November Rain. F found his Use Your Illusion I down in the basement. He told me he bought it the day it came out.

I am not much of a dresserupper. The only thing I bought this year was bobby pins.

My man said I could wear a white robe. I said I'll wear a white shirt. That's about as festive as I can get. I wish F would be Han Solo.... oh, Han. But he has decided to be Magnum.

We went to the Rocky Horror Picture Show with a live cast last night. Quite an interesting experience. There is a troupe of transvestites here in Eugene, there were probably 20 or 25. Being marked, and I mean physically marked with a huge lipstick V on my cheek, as a virgin (never seeing the movie with a live show) I had to get in front of the theater... I was sweating. I got off easily, having to only run through the tunnel of molestation.... it kind of reminded me of a grown up, perverted Happy Wheels when you have to skate through the tunnel of people... use your imagination here. My man tried to get out of it and was heckled until he was forced to participate. Other than that, and while the costumes and the passion were impressive, I got a little annoyed - I couldn't hear my favorite songs. I mean, I think that the songs are awesome enough. They are already funny, why change the lyrics and have 25 people yelling out over it? Also, really bummed to discover this morning that Over at the Frankenstein Place doesn't even mention rain so we can't put it in our show tonight.

We have three Halloween parties on the agenda for the next 24... I wonder if we'll make it to any. I have 54 short answer exams to grade. Happy Halloween my friends.


  1. I never would have let you go to happy wheels if I had about that tunnel of "love"thing. Another laugh out loud post. As for the weather turn on the dehumidifier and get that wood stove fixed. !!!!!it is not working properly. very funny post.inamorata hoping you will only have three more wet winters. You can always come home and get warm. Love you, momma bird

  2. Don't worry momma bird, it was totally innocent at Happy Wheels! Just not last night! haha.

  3. you can do it Cat! just make sure you have lots of color around you...warm clothes and umbrellas included...and you'll be fine. Trust me 9 years in vancouver - I feel your pain.


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