
Thursday, March 10, 2011

You Used to Be Alright, What Happened?

Hello fellow Radiohead fans. Welcome King of Limbs, what a sweet surprise. It's been years since we got In Rainbows and I *think* I kind of might love that this little, electro gem came out allofthesudden with no warning. Now, I do like to anticipate my loves, but this one has been on the backburner of my mind for at least a year, thinking, isn't it about time? Hello Thom, I've missed you.

I happen to like King of Limbs. I have only given it a twice through, but so far so good. It is more electronic than some of my favorite stuff (I mean, my favorite Radiohead album is The Bends, so you know, I like the guitar stuff).
This album has some detractors. There has been some biebertalk (bieber is my new multipurpose swear, it's great I can even say it on the radio! And while you are on that link, check it, we have 1-0-0 fans!!!) out there about this album. Specifically, I am talking about the Gallagher brothers of Oasis fame. Those who 1) wrote the fabulously annoying Wonder Wall and I apologize to you all for immediately putting it in your head, hopefully you are being hypnotized by Thom Yorke's sweet, sweet dance moves and you didn't even think "MAAAAYbe, you're gonna be the one that saves MAAAAY." and 2) have said that they are "better than the Beatles" and that "Phil Collins is a disgrace." This may or may not be hearsay, but my man reported Oasis Bros. saying that "the new Radiohead album is crap." To this my man replies "I'd like to hear your new album Oasis." But not really, because I bet it's crap.
Anyway, I haven't decided exactly what I think about King of Limbs yet, but it's big news. I do have to admit that on our iTunes, when the new album is done it goes straight into OK Computer, which is undeniably amazing. Here some (slightly) more professional people's opinions on it (great read) on the
On a related note, the local art cinema, Bijou, has starting have me and DJPJ and DJ Floyd (JUST KIDDING) do midnight show giveaways and that is supercool. Last week it was True Stories, which is a fantastic picture IMO and I would have went to see it myself again, except that we had just seen it a few months ago randomly. Anyway, did you know that Radiohead is named after the Talking Head's song from that film? Pretty neat, huh? This is the type of nerdy stuff you are guaranteed when you read this blog. The week before we gave away tickets to the Neverending Story. OMB. This movie was my favorite, my mom and dad discussed sending 7 year old me to a psychiatrist because I wanted to watch Bastian and Atreyu everyday.
Anyway, not much else has been going on that is relevant to write about. We went to see Ryan Bingham the day after he won the grammy, so that was pretty cool (for me. My man wasn't so much a fan. He made a comment on the way home about him only being popular because he is so attractive).
Hmm he could be onto something. 

We caught some of the opener, the Silent Comedy, what a show. Those guys are performers in every sense. Costumes and staches and all.
We also went to see Yo La Tengo sort of cold. Neither of us were too familiar with their music, but I got a ticket from the station and my man got his ticket for $6 from a self proclaimed "drunk dude." They had a fan spin a wheel to determine what set they would play for the first half, and it was DUMP, a very unappeallingly-named side project of the bass player. After that they "went to lay down for a bit" and then came back as Yo La Tengo. The WOW has been getting some amazing acts, and I wanted to go see Portugal. The Man but my man complained he feels like he lives at WOW and I need to be selective about what I drag him to. Which leads me to Cold War Kids. Wow, that crowd was into the clap-along-sing-along vibe that night. But I thought it was a fun show. Apparently, my favorite song is everyone's favorite song as well, We Used to Vacation, as people were yelling it out all night and then they closed with it. Same thing happened to me at Spoon last year. Me "I hope they play that camera song..." Spoon: Encores with it to insane excitement. I guess I have the typical taste.
I think we may go see Warpaint next week. I am a little disturbed though by their opening band stealing my fantasy band name that I want to form with my man and my best friend. It will consist of two dueling tambourine players and one skilled guitarist. Also, in my dreams I play drums.
Apparently, "Family Band" has been taken. I knew we should have gotten on this quicker. I think it's ok though, we can always be the "Original Family Band."


  1. We DID worry about how you loved that movie and how you wanted to watch it every day!!!!

  2. Not one group have I heard of. Guess I am getting old but still ole ya. Keep up the good work


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