
Monday, June 28, 2010

The idiot wind, blowing through the letters that we wrote

Warning: The title of this post is way too cool for the content.
We all agree Craigslist is really cool, right? (except for that casual encounters area, that is creepy).
Here's what I've got so far when I put out the call for calligraphy for the wedding invites.
*Names hidden to protect the dumb.
First off, it's June lady. Second, why would I pay you $3 for something that should take you about 10 seconds and I could do it better.

Same comments as above, but at least the price is moving in the right direction.
This was actually the best sample I got, but interesting word choice for a wedding invitation sample, don't you think? The other one says "Suicide Victim." 

I can't.

In other, unrelated news, we were not able to attend the Ms. Whiteaker pageant which I was so excited about because it was sold out.
Apparently, there were pretty serious restrictions on capacity... The fire marshal was mentioned. I think my man felt bad because earlier in the evening we went to the Crapple to buy some beer and, let me tell you, the 'hood was out representing in full effect. I saw two young guys in a banana and a bugs bunny costume, respectively, which both looked vintage (and NOT gently worn). I said "Hey banana, are you going to the pageant tonight?" He got very defensive and eventually replied that he "might be." They were buying juice. I think there were hallucinogens involved. Anyway, when I got back to the car I mentioned the (slight) increase in characters and said maybe we should go pick up our tickets before we go to the rum tasting, power tools and lash party (oh yeah, that was what we were doing first). But we didn't and we got denied. It was very un-Whiteaker-like I must say. I thought we were all about punk rock over here! Who listens to the fire marshal anyway! So we licked our wounds at Tiny's where we caught the tail end of happy hour with $1.50 PBRs. It wasn't so bad.
~Tiny's - my new Silver Dollar of Eugene. The cash only part kind of sucks, but check out the record player~


  1. I LOVE what you don't mention about Tiny's :)

  2. Hey Cat! have you guys set a date yet?! thinking of you xxxx


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